Barrett’s Esophagus, by Gary “Taavi” Reiss, MD, MPH, MBA, FACG, Ochsner Health System, New Orleans, Louisiana

Barrett’s Esophagus, by Gary “Taavi” Reiss, MD, MPH, MBA, FACG, Ochsner Health System, New Orleans, Louisiana

Barrett’s Esophagus: What is it? Who should be screened? How is it diagnosed and treated? What does the future look like?

Created by

Boston Scientific GI Fellows

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Gary “Taavi” Reiss, MD

Gary “Taavi” Reiss, MD


Dr. Reiss is in a private practice group of 25 physicans located in the New Orleans metro area. He is also assitant facutly at LSU and Tulane. His theraputic practice includes EUS, ERCP, and the treatment of Barretts Esophgus and GERD.